About MTG

The MIT Musical Theatre Guild is the oldest and largest theatre organization at MIT, and we are entirely student-run! Formed from the merger of the MIT Gilbert and Sullivan Society, the Classical Musical Society, and the Tech Show Society in 1971, we produce a wide variety of Musical Theatre. We perform four shows a year so there is plenty of opportunity to act, sing, dance, tech, design, direct, and produce. So, if you want to be part of a great art form, come investigate MTG!

Frequently Asked Questions about the Guild.

MTG Policy and Documentation

Support us by donating here

With general inquiries, please contact mtg-board @ mit.edu.

MTG Officers
President Grace Anderson G graceia@mit.edu
Treasurer Estevan Cortez '25 corteze@mit.edu
Secretary Lucille M Fuller '27 lucifull@mit.edu
Publicity Director Richard Yeboah '26 rnyeboah@mit.edu
Members at Large Jon Rosario '24 jonros@mit.edu
Charlotte Wickert G cwickert@mit.edu
Brendon Murphy '26 bmurph@mit.edu


Appointed Positions
Archivist Mariel Rojas C
Corresponding Secretary Lucille M Fuller '27
Costume Shop Manager Ellie Jaffe '25
Documentarian Mariel Rojas C
Hair & Makeup Manager Ellie Jaffe '25
Lights & Sound Manager Rin Desikan '25
Wiki Manager Jon Rosario '24
Properties Shop Manager Grace Anderson G
Set Shop Manager this could be you!
Webmaster Jon Rosario '24